IRAS Offline Application shut down

Author: Kylie Hoffman

    1 minute read    

As you may be aware, IRAS have disabled the functionality to submit form IR8S and Appendices A and B through their Offline Application. This change will affect all employers who submit their documents electronically using the Auto-Inclusion (AIS) scheme. 

Updates on SimplePay

Due to the IRAS Offline Application software shutdown, you will need to complete your submissions on SimplePay or through the myTax online Portal.  We have updated the IR8A and removed fields D7 - D9 from the IR8A form on SimplePay. These fields have been removed to ensure that they are automatically populated when you submit your additional documentation (IR8S, and Appendices A and B) using the myTax portal. You will still be able to view these items on our downloadable PDF; however, they will not be visible on our downloadable XML document. 

We have already implemented these updates on our system, so you don’t need to do anything.

How to submit without using the IRAS Offline Application

Since the IRAS Offline Application software is no longer supported, if you are required to submit an IR8S, Appendix 8A and Appendix 8B, you will need to download these forms directly from IRAS here. We recommend submitting the IR8A form on SimplePay and then submitting the other documents separately through the myTax Portal, which can be found here.

Should you have any questions regarding SimplePay or any of our services, please feel free to contact [email protected] for assistance.

Keep well and stay safe.

Team SimplePay